Younger brother to Albert A. Rich (Man 1 in the group photo), Frank Rich was born in New York state on November 5, 1847. He came to Montana in 1866 with his uncle, Charlie Rich, and Davis Willson. Frank became a teamster working for the firm Willson & Company based in Bozeman, Montana. In 1879, Frank Rich married Lizzie Hunter. Lizzie was the third child of Dr. Andrew Jackson Hunter (Man 6 in the group photo), founder of Hunters Hot Springs and owner of the Hunters Hot Springs Hotel.

In 1880, Frank and Lizzie Rich moved to Hunters Hot Springs and opened the Rich Hotel there. The Rich Hotel was located less than one hundred yards northeast from Dr. A. J. Hunter's Hot Springs Hotel, where the group photo was taken. Frank and Lizzie continued to live at the springs, on and off, until 1897 when they moved to Spokane, Washington. In 1914, Frank Rich and family relocated to a ranch in Dean, Montana. Frank Rich passed away in 1929 in Dean, Montana.