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An article published in the November 2, 1871 edition of the BOZEMAN AVANT-COURIER newsaper says: "Dr. Hunter has been remarkably successful in his treatment of the most difficult cases, since he has had charge of the county hospital he has had a number (of patients) that had been pronounced incurable, but they have all turned out favorable under his skillful care...A. J. Hunter New Drug Store Bozeman City...On Bozeman Street just back of the Metropolitan Hotel. Drugs, Chemicals and all the popular Patent Medicines...Perfumery, Toilet Articles. And everything found in a Drug Store. Physicians' prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours. Dr. Hunter offers his professional services to the citizens of Bozeman and Gallatin Co. He has charge of, and is physician to the county hospital. He has comfortable rooms for those who desire treatment at the Hospital upon reasonable terms. Owing to the great distances and necessarily high prices usually claimed by physicians, it is cheaper for patients to come to the hospital than to require physicians to travel such great distances, and the chances for recovery by the patients are four-fold."

A fortnight later, on Novemeber 16, 1871, the BOZEMAN AVANT-COURIER reported: "...Dr. Hunter keeps the county hospital in neat, comfortable condition, and having a drug store at hand, filled with a choice selection of fresh medicines, patients receive the benefits to be obtained at any well regulated hospital. There were three cases in the hospital last week, but only one now remains--a half-breed who has been herding for Mr. Story. A few days ago he cut one of his feet very badly, splitting it entirely open, but under the care of Dr. Hunter he is rapidly recovering."

From the same newspaper, dated December 28, 1871: "Amputation - Dr. A. J. Hunter yesterday amputated three toes of a teamster, whose name we failed to obtain rendered necessary by being severely frozen."

In 1872, more newspaper articles reported on the progress of Doctor Hunter's improvements to the hot springs site:

January 18, 1872 - "Dr. Hunter on Monday, went over to his ranch on the Yellowstone, for the purpose of making substantial improvements thereon. The Doctor's ranch is situated about 8 miles east of the Crow Agency, and has a number of warm springs on it, possessing all of the medicinal virtues of the famous hot springs located higher up the mountains. We believe it is the intention of the Doctor to erect buildings suitable to entertain pleasure-seekers as well as invalids. Bath houses and etc, will also be attached."

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