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Still more excerpts from the AVANT-COURIER continue the story of the development of Hunter's Hot Springs during 1873: January 31, 1873 - "Dr. Hunter, the county physician of Gallatin, has received a letter from the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners authorizing him, if in his judgment the patients of the county would be benefited by a removal to Hunter's Hot Springs, to take them to that place. The doctor will accompany the patients to his springs, and will immediately erect buildings for the accommodation of invalids, as there is no doubt in the minds of all who have visited these springs that the curative properties of the waters are second to none in the Territory, and perhaps in the United States. These springs are distant from Bozeman about forty-five miles, and are situated on the north branch of the Yellowstone River, commanding one of the most romantic views in the Rocky Mountains, in plain view of, and distant from Crazy Mountain 8 miles. The military road form Fort Ellis passes within half a mile of the springs and is an excellent road for wagons and carriages. Persons desirous of visiting these springs can obtain first-class conveyances for transportation at C. L. Clark's Livery establishment in Bozeman."

February 7, 1873 - "Hunter's Hot Springs - Dr. Hunter is in receipt of an analysis of one and a half gallons of water from his springs on the Yellowstone, made by J. E. Vanizant, analytical chemist of New York, which is highly favorable to the doctor. It shows the water possesses great medical virtues and curative properties. Dr. Hunter is having his springs well improved to accommodate visitors the coming season, and we have no doubt thousands will go to Hunter's Hot Springs next summer for health and pleasure. It is an easy day's ride from Bozeman to the springs over a good road."

February 21, 1873 - Dr. Hunter, County Physician returned from Hunter's Hot Springs on Saturday evening last, where some of his county patients are enjoying the medical properties of the waters of the springs. He reports the indigent sick under his charge doing well, and proposes having all his patients (from Gallatin County) at the health-giving resort by the first of next month. The doctor is having many improvements made at his Springs in view of their medical qualities, and the attractions for visitors, pleasure-seekers and others, he will be prepared to furnish all such accommodations through all the requirements from a bath house to a parlor."

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