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On June 13, 1872 there was more news about Doc Hunters hot springs development, and perhaps the very first mention in the press of "Hunter's Hot Springs" as the name of the location Dr. Hunter was developing: "From Mr. McDonald, who had just come in from Hunter's Hot Springs on the Yellowstone we learn that the crops in that section are in fine condition, and it bids fair rank, in a short time, among the finest agricultural regions of Montana. Dr. Hunter has several men employed on his ranch making improvements, tending crops, etc..and believes himself to be the fortunate possessor of the finest farm in the country.

A June 20, 1872 article offers a list of "pupils correct in deportment and recitation," for the week ending June 14, 1872: "Misses, six total listed - Mary L. Hunter and Lizzie K. L. Hunter...(Masters, 12 total listed) Thomas S. Hunter and Davis B. Hunter; J. L. Vernon..."July 14, 1872 - "Teacher Arrived - Prof. F. V. Hayden, in charge of the U. S. Geological Surveying expedition arrived in Bozeman on Friday evening. The party is now camped at Fort Ellis until the necessary outfit and supplies can be procured, when they will proceed to the Yellowstone."

More about the miraculous waters and healthy crops of Doc Hunter's staked claim on the Yellowstone came on July 18, 1872: "W. S. Hamilton came over from the Yellowstone last week. Bill says Dr. Hunter's crop is looking fine, and the springs are attracting a good deal of attention for their renovating properties which are unsurpassed by any in the mountains. They make the old folks young, and the young folks younger and if that is the case we thought of a good many round-towners who ought to go there."

July 25, 1872 - "Nice - Dr. Hunter sent this week a fine lot of garden vegetables, new potatoes, and green peas from his ranch on the Yellowstone." August 8, 1872 - "Dr. Hunter with his family, is spending a few weeks at his hot springs on the Yellowstone, and enjoying the substantial and delicate productions of the Doctor's fine ranch, which has been generous and prolific in its yield this season."

Clearly, by 1872 Doctor Hunter was getting some nice press coverage for his efforts in developing the hot springs. A few years more would need to pass before Doc Hunter (after defending himself, his family and his homestead against attacks by the Crow Indians and the Northern Pacific Railroad) would achieve his dream of establishing a premier sanatarium/spa/resort at the site now known as Hunters Hot Springs.

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